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Don't Post Immediately! Let Your Chapter Breathe

I know all about that urge to post as soon as you finish writing a chapter. Maybe you also take time to run it through an editing program to check for spelling and grammar, but then you want to post and get that immediate feedback.

Don't do it.

Fight that urge. I know it's hard, but give your chapter some time to breathe.

The reason for this is that you want to give yourself some distance between when you finished writing it and when you start to edit it. Sort of like cleansing the palette; then you can review your chapter with a fresh set of eyes.

This helps take off the burden of writing fatigue. You're more likely to catch errors and notice sentences you don't like. You become a little less invested with the chapter and can read it more critically. Right when you finish a chapter, you're feeling accomplished and protective of it. That can cloud your judgment.

The scene that you rushed through while super motivated may not be as good as you thought and when you've distanced yourself from the text for a two or three days, you are more likely to edit it for better readability. You've had some time to think about it and consider its place in the story, its tone, and whether or not you really want to use it.

Haven't you ever written or done something and then hours later, thought "I should've done this"? Or have gone back to your work from years earlier and cringed; you could do much better now. It's similar to that.

Time can give you the fresh perspective you need to review your work without being as emotionally attached and protective of it.

I also recommend this to students who are writing essays to colleges or programs. Write out your essay ahead of time and then don't look at it for three days. Then go back to it with that fresh set of eyes and you can edit it. Do this as many times as you can or until you get to the end and think 'yeah, that's pretty good'.

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